Pizza With Shrimp on Top


Writers: Aaron Levy


Stephanie, a 13-year-old girl, enters on a bare stage, calling for her big brother Stuart. She tells him that he will be in big trouble with their dad if he doesn’t take out the trash. As she exits, still calling for Stuart, Daniel enters. He is a streetwise New York City guy who doesn’t like kids. Daniel introduces the audience to limbo, and explains that they are in the mush of Stuart’s mind because Stuart tried to kill himself with an overdose of vitamins and cough syrup. As Daniel explains how they got to limbo, Stuart, guitar in hand, enters and asks where he is, clearly confused and weak. B.J. enters, bloody wounds on his neck oozing.

Stuart is hungry, and asks for dinner, which sends Daniel and B.J. into laughter. Daniel explains that they don’t eat there, and that everyone has a story. B.J. reminds Daniel to tell Stuart the rules of limbo--Daniel wipes the blood from Stuart’s lip to show him that he is almost dead. To impress the teen, Daniel takes off his hat to show his


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