The Magic Fire


Writers: Lillian Groag


Show Information

Number of Acts
Cast Size
Casting Notes
Mostly female cast
Includes adult, mature adult, child, early teen, elderly characters


Otto Berg, an immigrant from Austria, moved to Argentina in the wake of Nazism coming from Germany. There, he married Amalia Guarneri, an Italian whose family fled their home country to escape Mussolini. There, they had a child, Lise. In the far future, as an adult, Lise looks back at her childhood, when Argentina was under the control of the Perón regime. She looks at her mother's crazy family, their neighbors General Fontanne and his wife, and the political situation at the time. Their friend, Alberto Barcos, informs them that their housekeeper's brother, Santo, is missing after some trouble with his union. He also criticizes them for their friendship with the Fontannes. The Bergs have to decide to honor their friendship with the Fontannes or to assist Santo.

Lead Characters

The Magic Fire guide sections