Isolation: A Duet


New Work
Writers: Jared Grumney


Editor's Note: This is the original script, as shared by the author.

Darkness. Two people lying on first and third base. As they awaken, almost at the same time, they hear screaming. It sounds like hundreds of people. It slowly fades all in the same direction.

Then: silence

A: mumbles

J: Huh?

A: coughing

J: Who is that?

A: continues coughing

J: Are you okay?

A: …

A light shines on the pitcher’s mound. It is and will be the only light. A gift basket. J walks toward it.

J: There’s water in here. Would that help?

A: through a scratchy throat I think so.

J delivers the water to A: He drinks.

A: Thanks.

J: Yeah no problem.

They sit for a little bit longer. Silence, save for a few more coughs from A.

J: Did you hear all those people running around and screaming?

A: Yeah. What was that about?

J: I’m not sure. I heard a lot of coughing.

A: That’s kinda gross.

J: Yeah.

Beat. Cough.

A: So what else was in that basket?

J: Some hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and enough Doritos to last anyone for a while.

A: Wow. All for us?

J: I mean...I guess we could have shared, but everyone was freaking out and left.

A: Well, more for us! Can you bring that basket over here?

J: Sure.

J brings the basket back. A and J share a moment applying the hand sanitizer.


J: Oh sorry, I just realized I don’t know your name.

A: You’re right! But...I don’t really remember.

J: Me either.


J: What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

A: Well, I like “A.” It starts everything off. What about you?

J: “J” is really fun. Looks like a candy cane.

A: Looks like we found our names.

J: You’re right.

Their smiles reflect the innocence of the moment. The happiness is interrupted by A’s coughing fit.


J: Are you sure everything is ok?

A: I’m not sure. I have this cough that won’t go away, and my body feels kind of weak.

J: That doesn’t sound good. Do you need more water?

A: I think that would help.

A demolishes the bottle of water.

A: Thanks.

All of a sudden, a booming voice penetrates their conversation.

VOICE: Welcome to Quarantine. You folks are the last people in the world with COVID-19. For the sake of the world, we have placed you here until the virus is eradicated. We appreciate your contribution to society. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

J: What? A: Oh my god.

A beat. Almost too long.

J: What are we supposed to do now?

A: I guess we have to accept our fate.

J: This is pretty f#@ked.

A: Absolutely.

J: I wonder how much longer we have.

A: Jesus!

J: I’m sorry! I don’t want to sit here wallowing, but we have to face the reality of the situation.

A: ...I guess.


VOICE: As you wait out your final days, we have arranged some themed entertainment for you folks.

“Do You Want To Die Together?” by Stars begins to play.

J: That seems a little too on the nose.

A: Yeah definitely.

J: ...I kind of like it though.

A: Yeah me too.

They lie down together on the baseline, staring up at the ceiling of the stadium.

A: I wonder where we are?

J: Yeah good question. I hope it’s somewhere fun like T-Mobile Park in Seattle. I’ve always wanted to go there.

A: Or Tropicana Field. I guess I’m starting my Florida retirement plans early.

At the conclusion of the song, another starts playing. “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tiffany.

A: Wow I hope the person who curated this got paid well.

J: For sure. It almost feels insulting, but I’m not upset.

A: Why don’t we dance? If we are going to die here, at least we could make it fun.

J: You’re right! Stand on up.

They dance until the end of the song. It’s really nice. As the song ends, “Sexual Healing” by Marvin Gaye comes on.

J: What is this supposed to mean?

A: Hm. Not sure.

They stare at each other for the majority of the song, occasionally darting their eyes away when they got flustered. As the song concluded, J lunged forward and planted a kiss on A’s lips.

J: It’s not contagious if we both have it.

A: You’re right.

VOICE: It is now time for movies. Grab your snacks, grab a spot, and enjoy.

J: I wonder what joke they will play this time.

The opening sequence of “Dirty Dancing” begins.

A: This feels like a personal attack.

It fast forwards to the dancing scene.

J: Look at them. They have no idea what’s coming.

A: I hope I get to dance with Patrick Swayze after this. He was such a hunk.

J: Oh absolutely.

They fall asleep. Days pass.

A: Is it getting hard for you to breathe?

J: No, but I am getting that cough that you had.

A: Oh great.

A takes deep breaths. Well, as deep as A can. On an inhale, the lights go out. Days pass. A speaks through labored breath.

A: I’m not sure if I have much longer. I want you to know that these last days with you have been so much fun. At the risk of seeming too pushy, I want to let you know that I think I love you.

J: stifling tears and coughs. I love you too.

They share a long kiss.

Beat. A few more days pass.

A is now dead. J lies beside him. Through this sequence, J’s coughs and breathing get worse and worse.

VOICE: As the end draws near, this will be our final movie. We hope you enjoy it.

The opening sequence for “Contagion” begins.

J: Oh great. What a way to end this.


J: Oh yeah sorry.

More days pass. Lights up mid-conversation.

J: ...sandwich. The mayonnaise and the peanut butter compliment each other, and no one seems to understand that! My mom used to put lettuce on it, and even I thought that was crazy. So you need to try…

Days pass.

J: So did you have any siblings? I did. Two older brothers. They were mean to me sometimes, but nice most of the time. What about your parents? My mom was really nice, but my dad…

The final days pass.

J: singing. I think we’re alone now…deep inhale...the beating of my heart is the only sound..cough.

The coughing fades into silence. Darkness

VOICE: Thank you for your participation. We have captured them all. It is eradicated.
