Symon Goldberg, a famous theater producer and director, is preparing for yet another of his numerous successful premieres. By his side, his partner, with whom he has less-than-ideal relations, reluctantly participates backstage. However, this premiere is unlike any other...
As the curtain is about to rise, well-hidden secrets and long-standing bad behaviors unexpectedly come to light, bringing with them a series of escalating problems. Every small mistake is magnified, every attempt at cover-up leads to a new, even more hilarious disaster, as the once-powerful duo loses control.
Their once-thriving career, which dominated the American theater with all kinds of tricks and intrigues, collapses before the eyes of hundreds of spectators and critics who are eagerly waiting to see the performance. The repeated mistakes of the cast and continuous role shortages lead the situation down farcical paths, creating a comedy of disasters full of twists and surprises.
A hilarious comedy by writer and actor Greg Giannopoulos, which exposes the backstage of the theater in the most comedic and sarcastic way.
Backstage Out of Control guide sections