Federica Giovanna Leuci

Joined 11w ago

Federica Giovanna Leuci

Performer, Actor, Singer

Mezzo-Soprano Adult

  Turin, Piedmont


ABOUT Federica

Born in the North-West of Italy, my heart was raised under the Sicilian sun. I have started my drama and music trainings when I was eleven and I have never stopped. Everything, after all, can be music, can be theatre. I have graduated in Modern Literatures at the University of Torino in 2024. In 2020 I was accepted at the Accademia D'arte del Dramma Antico in Siracusa where I've experienced my first show as a professional actess in the Teatro Greco, a majestic theatre built over 5000 years ago. I got my drama degree in 2023. The following step has been a master period at the TeatroDue in Parma, where I had the opportunity to define my contemporary theatre interest and my singing voice.

Federica's Credits



Le baccanti


Associated Companies