Joined 8/2/2015
Performer, Actor, Dancer, Singer
Soprano Early Teen
Ann Arbor, MI
I started off my musical career with dancing, which I did from age 3 to age 13. I danced almost all types- jazz, ballet, tap, etc, but I never really felt a "click" when dancing. So in fall 2014, I decided to audition for a show at Young People's Theater in Ann Arbor, Michigan.I have always loved singing, so I also decided that during that show, I would take vocal lessons from Marlene Inman of Ann Arbor (who is fantastic) and I have improved a TON. I've been in two main-stage shows all together now, and in both I've been cast as a dancer. The next show I'm auditioning for is Shrek the Musical with YPT. I'd love to be considered for an acting/ singing role this show because I think I've really made my way up on those two talents.