Skip Schloming

Joined 10/29/2021

Skip Schloming

Artistic Staff, Playwright, Composer

Non-singer Mature Adult

  Cambridge, MA


I am a longtime lover of all the classic Broadway musicals, and I wrote five one-act, very successful musicals for the students in our private school. When it came time to write a full-length musical for adults, I started with the classic folktale The Emperor's New Clothes. As soon as I invented the character of Mundo the fool, the whole thing took off. "Only fools can't see it" means that Mundo speaks the truth while all the Courtiers respond "Fool! Fool! Fool!" When Mundo is insulted by the Emperor who offers his bastard daughter to be Mundo's wife, he decides to seduce the Emperor's favorite daughter Eldora the Princess. How to seduce a princess? By declaring True Love for her. And so it all unfolds -- to a happy ending?

Skip's Credits



Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Bookwriter, lyricist
Copyright owner

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