One Song Productions is a local youth-run theatre organization founded in 2002 by Katie Yow and Daniel Elam, two Chapel Hill High School students, as a supplement to school dramatic programs. One Song's goals are to engage youth in every step of the creative process and offer new opportunities for learning and growth in the performing arts. One Song is run by a board of seven to eight directors, all of whom attend high schools in the Durham-Chapel Hill area. Their aim is to provide students in the area with a fun, creative, and educational experience working on extra-curricular productions. Additionally, all One Song events are produced, directed, and staged entirely by students from area high schools and colleges.
One Song produces five different shows in a year’s season, all of which are directed and cast by high school students from the Chapel Hill/Carrboro/Durham area of North Carolina. One Song has continued to expand throughout its 10 year history as a result of the community's constant support and generosity, as the shows One Song produces are funded solely by donations and grant applications submitted by students.
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