American Immersion Theater is the brainchild of Scott Cramton: a single company designed to unite and utilize a network of performers across the globe into a variety of “niche” entertainments and projects. Through this centralization of efforts, American Immersion Theater can ensure that a performance done in New York will be the same, high quality, audience tested experience as one in Los Angeles or anywhere else we may produce.
The Core of American Immersion Theater is how the entertainment is delivered. In all of our subsidiaries and projects, there is no real separation between the performers and the audience. Across the board, the audience is just as important as the performers themselves. We don’t produce plays, we create interactive experiences.With structure in place in over 30 locations in the U.S. and more professional, experienced performers employed than any other company in the world, the individual companies of American Immersion Theater can fill almost any need. We do this through recruiting and cultivating those individuals that have the raw talent and passion for performance and placing those individuals into the companies and productions which would be best suited to their talents and produce the finest product.
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