Charles Hart

Composer, Lyricist


Quizzes associated with Charles Hart

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Love Never Dies

Return to the thrilling, horrifying, melodious world of the Opera Ghost with this beginner's quiz for Love Never Dies!

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Aspects of Love

Lovers come and go in Andrew Lloyd Webber's romantic drama

Shows Writers

A Quick Phantom Quiz

A simple quiz to test your knowledge about this amazing musical.

Shows Writers

An Advanced Phantom of the Opera Quiz

Think you know the Phantom? Give this advanced quiz a try!

Shows Writers

Character Quiz on Christine

How often do you think of her? Test your specific knowledge on the character Christine!

Shows Writers

Character Quiz for the Phantom

How well do you know this Angel of Music?

Shows Writers

The Songs of Andrew Lloyd Webber

Are you an expert on the songs of Andrew Lloyd Webber? Take our quiz to find out!

More about Charles Hart