George Abbott

Playwright, Librettist


Quizzes associated with George Abbott

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for New Girl in Town

Test out your knowledge on this Golden Age musical!

Shows Writers

Beginner's quiz for Fiorello!

How well do you know this Bock and Harnick musical?

Shows Writers

Damn Yankees: The Advanced Quiz

Only those who really know Damn Yankees will be able to correctly answer every question in this advanced quiz.

Shows Writers

A Beginner's Quiz For Damn Yankees

A basic knowledge of this classic 1950's musical should enable you to "cover all the bases" in the beginner's quiz.

Shows Writers

Introductory Quiz for The Boys from Syracuse

How well do you know this Shakespearean musical comedy? Find out with this introductory quiz for The Boys from Syracuse.

Shows Writers

Beginner’s Quiz - The Pajama Game

Come to the Sleep-tite Pajama Factory and work to beat this introductory quiz for The Pajama Game!

More about George Abbott