Got the chops to win first prize at the Iowa State Fair? Test your knowledge here!
Has British school teacher Mrs. Anna taught you everything you need to know about The King and I? Test your knowledge here!
Do you know more about Siam than the King of Siam himself? Test your knowledge here!
How much do you know about the classic R&H musical? Test your knowledge here!
Do you have what it takes to survive in the South Pacific during a world war? Find out here!
Test your Rodgers and Hammerstein knowledge with this advanced quiz for "Carousel."
Only a performer from the Cotton Blossom will ace this quiz!
Test out your Oklahoma! knowledge with this advanced quiz!
Five quick questions that any fan should be able to answer!
How well do you know the works of Rodgers and Hammerstein?
Test your knowledge in this advanced quiz on The Golden Age of Musical Comedy!
Test yourself on elements from this learning module.
More about Oscar Hammerstein II