Jerry Herman

Composer, Lyricist


Quizzes associated with Jerry Herman

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for A Day in Hollywood, A Night in the Ukraine

Dive into Hollywood History with this introductory quiz for A Day in Hollywood, a Night in the Ukraine.

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for A Day in Hollywood, a Night in the Ukraine

Think your knowledge of A Day in Hollywood, a Night in the Ukraine is the Best in the World? Test it out with this advanced quiz!

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Mack & Mabel

How well do you know this Jerry Herman show?

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Mack & Mabel

Aced our beginner's quiz? Now take the advanced quiz!

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for La Cage Aux Folles

Put a little more mascara on...with our easy quiz!

Shows Writers

Mame (A Beginning Quiz)

Enjoy this introductory quiz to the fabulous life and times of Mame Dennis!

Shows Writers

Mame (A Character Quiz)

Bosom buddies, or a "friend she hasn't met yet?" Find out how well you know Mame with this advanced character quiz!

Shows Writers

Getting to know the classic musical revivals of the 1970s & 1980s!

Test out your knowledge on the shows that paid homage to the Golden Era of musicals.

More about Jerry Herman