Jule Styne

Composer, Lyricist


Quizzes associated with Jule Styne

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Bells are Ringing

How well do you know this 1950s musical comedy?

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Funny Girl

Are you the greatest star? Take this quiz to test your Funny Girl knowledge!

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Funny Girl

Don't rain on my parade, I know you can nail this Advanced Quiz for Funny Girl!

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Test out your knowledge on this fun, flighty show!

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Peter Pan

You know the Peter Pan story? Let's see!

Shows Writers

An Advanced Quiz on the Musical of Peter Pan

Will you be able to crow when you finish this challenging quiz?

Shows Writers

Beginner's Quiz for Gypsy

Any lover of musical theatre should have the basic knowledge to ace this quiz!.

Shows Writers

The Most Gimmick-y Gypsy Quiz

Have you gotten your gimmick? Are you going to be successful like Gypsy Rose Lee? Test your knowledge here!

More about Jule Styne