No! Let social purpose hang itself unhin...

The Coast of Utopia: Voyage

Vissarion Belinsky

See more monologues from Tom Stoppard


No! Let social purpose hang itself unhindered! No - I mean, literature can replace, can actually become... Russia! The moment an artist has a social purpose he is merely a huckster


You’ll be able to walk down the street in London or Paris and when someone asks where you’re from, you can say, ‘Russia! I’m from Russia, you poor bastard, so what do you think of that?!’

For full extended monologue, please see the edition cited here: Stoppard, Tom. The Coast of Utopia: Voyage. Act 2, “Summer 1835.” 2002.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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