Your own life you have wasted at every t...

The Coast of Utopia: Voyage

Alexander Bakunin

See more monologues from Tom Stoppard


Your own life you have wasted at every turn, and sponged off friends and strangers until your name is a byword for bad faith and discounted bills. You have poisoned your sisters’ minds with liberal sophistries dressed up as idealism.

[... …]

I’ll be damned if I pay for any more of your wilfulness. You will not go to Berlin. That is my last word.

For full extended monologue, please see the edition cited here: Stoppard, Tom. The Coast of Utopia: Voyage. Act 1, “Spring 1838.” 2002.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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