Why don’t some of you educated chaps tal...

Les Blancs

Major Rice

See more monologues from Lorraine Hansberry Robert Nemiroff


Why don’t some of you educated chaps talk sense into these murderers? What do they think they are going to accomplish?Murdering people who never did them a moment’s harm--and their own people to boot?
[... …] We wish the blacks no ill. But--(Simply, matter-of-factly, a man confirmed)--it is our home, Mr. Morris. (A beat. He looks up, a little embarrassed) I should be grateful if, whatever other impression you may have received, you would try to remember that when you write of the place.

Lorraine Hansberry. Les Blancs: The Collected Last Plays of Lorraine Hansberry. 1972. pp.92-3.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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