God, he was such a twisted man! With a t...

Faith Healer


See more monologues from Brian Friel


God, he was such a twisted man! With a talent for hurting. One of his mean tricks was to humiliate me by always changing my surname. It became Dodsmith or Elliot or O’Connell or McPherson--whatever came into his head;
--but it seemed to me that he kept remaking people according to some private standard of excellence of his own, and as his standards changed, so did the person. But I’m sure it was always an excellence, a perfection, that was the cause of his restlessness and the focus of it.

Brian Friel. “Faith Healer” in Selected Plays.Faber and Faber, 1990. pp.345-346.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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