I never thought it would be like this....

3 Steps to Heaven


See more monologues from Alex McIntosh


I never thought it would be like this. I suppose a lot of people think that though, don’t they?

Okay, so I was never one for talking. Never one for saying what I thought my life would be like. But listening, now that’s a different story. I could listen for Wales. Or to whales, actually. If you’ve never tried it, I would highly recommend the experience. They make these noises that can be heard underwater for miles and miles. Mind you, it does make yo wonder what whales have to talk about. It’s not like they’ve got electric bills, or binge watch a Netflix series.

Penny and I have been friends for a long time now. She was already in the area when I got here and we hit it off straight away. As you’ve probably guessed, she does most of the talking. As for me, I don’t even do much listening these days. Doesn’t mean I’m not interested in what people have to say, just that I find it difficult since … well, I just find it difficult, that’s all.

So, here I am, Rhyl. Not exactly Heaven, is it? But I guess there are worse places I could be. I could be in a room with my husband for a start. Well, ex-husband to be exact. Anywhere would be better than being close to him. Oh, don’t get me wrong, we had our moments. I remember the first time he kissed me and held me in his arms. It was the most wonderful experience I’d ever had. I was smitten. Then I got smote. Handy little bugger he was. Hell of a right hook. Anyway, I told him straight. I said to him, “You hit me one more time and I swear you best sleep with one eye open.” But I guess Graham wasn’t as good a listener as me.

Shame really. A waste.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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