Dear Mum, Congratulations! You’re...



See more monologues from Jane Cafarella


Dear Mum,

Congratulations! You’re going to be a grandmother.


(Beat.) I was at the clinic yesterday waiting for the ultrasound when the woman next to me asked, “So how many weeks are you?”

“Twenty-five,” I said.

Then I realised...she was talking to Nellie.

They started laughing and talking together about indigestion and how the baby kept them awake a night.

I wanted to scream, “That’s MY baby ... MY conversation...MY life!

I am the mother here!”

She scrolls down to SEND. She hesitates.

She scrolls down again and hits DELETE, speaking the word aloud:


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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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