Why you would... I mean, One, you’re my...

Rising Seniors


See more monologues from Kitt Lavoie


Why you would... I mean, One, you’re my friend. And Two, it’s just at its basest level anti-feminist. That they would only have a certain number of slots for women. And then -- I mean, back to One -- that you would, as my friend, scrape and beg and say, “yes, please, I will take one of them” when you know what they did to your friend, who you know is every bit as deserving as you are. And, I’m just saying, that doesn’t seem like you. It does not seem like something that you would do, from the years of friendship that we have had. It does not seem like you. I mean, I understand what they are doing. The pressures and the limitations on time and space. But I don’t understand what you are doing. I’m having a hard time figuring it out. And I wish you would explain it to me.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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