Oh my, I can’t wait for the Crimson Cap...

The Crimson Cap Ladies Catch a Con


See more monologues from Chris McKerracher


Oh my, I can’t wait for the Crimson Cap Ladies meeting today! This is going to be a hoot! We should change our name to Crimson Cap Hooters! He he he.

(She places the punch on a sideboard and takes a glass, fills the punch serving scoop with punch and drinks from the scoop. She puts the glass back with the rest and takes a remote from her pocket and aims it at her stereo. Loud music is heard. She starts bopping again and heads back to the kitchen. When she returns, she is carrying a tray of brownies. She dances over to the sideboard, smells them and frowns. She puts them beside the punch.)

Millie: Dang! How could I have been so stupid? I spilled oregano into the brownie mix. They smell kind of funny. (She puts the brownies down and tastes one.) Well they still taste like chocolate so they’ll get eaten. They do taste a bit strange, however. Nobody will notice, knock on wood. (She knocks on the table.) Come in! Oh silly me! That was me!

(There’s a knock at the exterior door.)

Millie: (Looking at her fist) Now wait a minute was that me, too? (Another knock) Oh! Coming! (She runs to the door turning the music off with the remote.)

All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.


All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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