_Victoria appears asleep, head slumped o...

Stupid Old Cow

Victoria Ravenscroft Annabelle

See more scenes from Edward Chapman


Victoria appears asleep, head slumped on her hand.

Annabelle enters silently. She is thirty-five, smiling, dressed in 1960s dress and when she speaks it is with a posh accent. She floats close to Victoria, looks at her and smiles, then pours herself a large glass of vodka from the bottle on the table.

Annabelle: Cheers!

Her first swig causes a spluttering fit.

Annabelle: Bloody hell! That's got a kick!

She pours herself another. Victoria wakes up and half-asleep examines the bottle of vodka in front of her.

Victoria: I don’t remember drinking that, probably got me to sleep though. I am not a big drinker, I usually start singing after a couple of glasses of wine, well, (pulls her face) that’s when I sound like Barbra Streisand, naturally. (normal) That’s why I avoid wine. And I hardly ever


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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