PEGEEN — [imperiously.] Fling out that r...

The Playboy of the Western World

Christopher “Christy” Mahon Margaret “Pegeen Mike” Flaherty

See more scenes from John Millington Synge


PEGEEN — [imperiously.] Fling out that rubbish and put them cups away. (Christy tidies away in great haste). Shove in the bench by the wall. (He does so.) And hang that glass on the nail. What disturbed it at all?

CHRISTY — [very meekly.] — I was making myself decent only, and this a fine country for young lovely girls.

PEGEEN — [sharply.] Whisht your talking of girls. [Goes to counter right.]

CHRISTY. Wouldn't any wish to be decent in a place…

PEGEEN. Whisht I'm saying.

CHRISTY — [looks at her face for a moment with great misgivings, then as a last effort, takes up a loy, and goes towards her, with feigned assurance]. — It was with a loy the like of that I killed my father.

PEGEEN — [still sharply.] — You've told me that story six times since the dawn of day.

CHRISTY — [reproachfully.]


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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