MRS. ATKINS—[With a disapproving glance...

Beyond the Horizon

Kate Mayo Mrs. Atkins

See more scenes from Eugene O'Neill


MRS. ATKINS—[With a disapproving glance at the place set on the table.] Robert's late for his dinner again, as usual. I don't see why Ruth puts up with it, and I've told her so. Many's the time I've said to her "It's about time you put a stop to his nonsense. Does he suppose you're runnin' a hotel—with no one to help with things?" But she don't pay no attention. She's as bad as he is, a'most—thinks she knows better than an old, sick body like me.

MRS. MAYO—[Dully.] Robbie's always late for things. He can't help it, Sarah.

MRS. ATKINS—[With a snort.] Can't help it! How you do go on, Kate, findin' excuses for him! Anybody can help anything they've a mind to—as long as they've got health, and ain't rendered helpless like me, [She adds as a pious afterthought]—through the will of


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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