MICHAEL: Listening to you? Why the hell...

Facing Up

Dr. Jane Summers Michael Summers

See more scenes from Edward Chapman


MICHAEL: Listening to you? Why the hell should I listen to you Jane? We’ve been married twenty-odd years and you don't know anything about me. But you’re a woman and I am talking about a man’s need which naturally you know nothing about.

A spotlight now also hits JANE, feet on the table at home, who stares at MICHAEL.

JANE: Don’t I?

MICHAEL: A man wants more than to hear something other than how your screwed up patients are doing when you come in from work. Change the subject you're boring me.

JANE stares in disbelief for several seconds at MICHAEL then lifts her feet off the table.

JANE: Change it to what? What subject would you like to talk about?

The lights come back up as JANE stands and MICHAEL sits and folds his arms.

JANE: How about changing it to you, my wonderful husband?


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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