EUELPIDES (to his jay) Do you think I s...

The Birds

Euelpides Pithetaerus Trochilus

See more scenes from Aristophanes


EUELPIDES  (to his jay) Do you think I should walk straight for

yon tree?

PITHETAERUS  (to his crow) Cursed beast, what are you croaking to

me? retrace my steps?

EUELPIDES Why, you wretch, we are wandering at random, we are exerting

ourselves only to return to the same spot; we're wasting our time.

PITHETAERUS To think that I should trust to this crow, which has

made me cover more than a thousand furlongs!

EUELPIDES And that I, in obedience to this jay, should have worn

my toes down to the nails!

PITHETAERUS If only I knew where we were....

EUELPIDES Could you find your country again from here?

PITHETAERUS No, I feel quite sure I could not, any more than could

Execestides find his.


PITHETAERUS Aye, aye, my friend, it's surely the road of "alases"

we are


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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