Mary: Tell me the truth. Why are you so...

Long Day’s Journey Into Night

Mary Tyrone Edmund Tyrone

See more scenes from Eugene O'Neill



Mary: Tell me the truth. Why are you so suspicious all of a sudden?

Edmund: I’m not!

Mary: Oh, yes, you are. I can feel it. Your father and Jamie, too--particularly Jamie.

[... … …]


Mary: All right dear. I didn’t mean to be so gloomy. Don’t mind me. Here. Let me feel your head. Why, it’s nice and cool. You certainly don’t have any fever now.

Edmund: Forget! It’s you--

Mary: But I’m quite all right, dear.

For full extended scene, please refer to clips or the script edition cited here: Eugene O’Neill, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Yale Books, 2002, pp. 47-50.

All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.


All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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