MISS GROUT I’m glad the old witch is dea...

Downstage Dead

Rox Christy Andi Damon Shawnee Julie Noel

See more scenes from Rebecca Cox


MISS GROUT I’m glad the old witch is dead! I hated the way she was always buzzing for us. I’m cooking the bacon as fast as I can, woman! Stop bothering me with all that buzzing racket!

MR. PERCY So loud and annoying! I’d be answering the door and next thing I know Bbbbzzzzz. Talking on the phone. Bbbbzzzzz. I’m a butler, not a bee, lady!

MRS. BATES (grabbing box of tissue) Well, she won’t be buzzing for us anymore! Now, we better get ourselves together. This dummy called the undertaker and she’ll be here any minute. We better start acting like we’re sad the old lady’s dead or she’ll get suspicious.

A few moments of silence pass with no action.

MISS GROUT How much jewelry do you have stuffed in your bra, Mrs. Bates?

CHRISTY laughs and ROX covers her mouth.

MR. PERCY Be quiet,


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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