Leonardo: He hates it! It’s a very good...

Moaner Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci Lisa del Gioncondo

See more scenes from Wayne Doyle


Leonardo: He hates it! It’s a very good likeness, and he hates it!

(Lisa rushes over to the painting. She is indifferent about it).

Lisa: You know, Leonardo… why does every painting need to always look so perfect? Why can't a person be just made up of, I don’t know… simple lines, or stick shapes?

Leonardo: (Chuckling) A “stick” man! That's childish. It not how an “artiste” portrays the world!

Lisa: But it's still “art” isn't it?

Leonardo: Most definitely not.

Lisa: (Takes the brush out of Leonardo’s hand). I have something to confess… I’m not really sick.

Leonardo: (Sarcastically) Oh really! (Rotates the artist easel away from the audience and replaces the canvas with what seems to be another blank one (It actually has another painting on it).

Lisa: It’s just that… I’m soooo bored! You


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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