OLD MAN Excuse me asking, but I couldn’t...

The Ghost Sonata

The Old Man (Jacob Hummel) The Student (Arkenholz)

See more scenes from August Strindberg


OLD MAN Excuse me asking, but I couldn’t help hearing you were caught up in the accident yesterday evening...I’ve just been reading about it in the paper…

STUDENT Have they already got hold of it?

OLD MAN Yes, the whole story; and your picture as well, though they regret not having the name of the brave young student…

STUDENT Really? It is me, too! Oh dear!

OLD MAN Who were you talking to just now?

STUDENT Didn’t you see?


OLD MAN Would it be impertinent to ask--to be allowed to know--your now-illustrious name?

STUDENT What’s the point? I don’t like publicity--no sooner do they praise you than they find fault with you--these days cutting people down to size is one of the fine arts--besides, I’m not looking for a reward…

OLD MAN Rich, I take it?

STUDENT Not at all...quite the


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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