MRS. ANTROBUS: Sabina, you’ve let the fi...

The Skin of Our Teeth

Mrs. Maggie Antrobus Sabina

See more scenes from Thornton Wilder


MRS. ANTROBUS: Sabina, you’ve let the fire go out.

SABINA: (in a lather) One-thing-and-another; don’t-know-whether-my-wits-are-upside-or-down; might-as-well-be-dead-as-alive-in-a-house-all-sixes-and-sevens. . .

MRS. ANTROBUS: You’ve let the fire go out. Here it is the coldest day of the year right in the middle of August, and you’ve let the fire go out.

[... … …]

MRS. ANTROBUS: And you didn’t last - you sank to the kitchen. And what did you do there? YOU LET THE FIRE GO OUT! No wonder you think it’s easier being dead. Reading, and writing, and counting on your fingers is all very well in their way - but I keep the home going. There’s that dinosaur on the front lawn again. - Shoo! Go away. Go away.

Widler, Thornton, The Skin of Our Teeth, 1942, Concord Theatricals, pp. 4-6.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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