CHARLES: I just have a small preface tha...

Ada and the Engine

Ada Byron Lovelace Charles Babbage

See more scenes from Lauren Gunderson


CHARLES: I just have a small preface that I wish to see attached to the paper. A short note really. A small introduction to the piece, then your translation, then your marvelous notes.

ADA: What sort of preface?

CHARLES: Just - context. Contextualize the engine, its development, its varied history.

ADA: Has it had a varied history?

[... … …]

ADA: Oh my mind you’ll employ when it serves you, unless the woman attached to it objects to a ludicrous thing, then? Then you dismiss her as a turncoat fool. Well if you think I would be so easy manipulated you know me not.

CHARLES: And yet you’ve done everything I’ve asked for so far.

ADA: Then it’s a good thing you’re too scared to ask for the thing you actually want.

Gunderson, Lauren, Ada and the Machine, Dramatist Play Services, 2018, pp.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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