START: Alice: It wasn’t exactly the bigg...


Alice Casimir Eamon Judith

See more scenes from Brian Friel


START: Alice: It wasn’t exactly the biggest funeral ever seen in Ballybeg, was it?
Casimir: Did you notice--the whole village shut down.
Alice: For the minute it took the hearse to pass through. And as Sister Therese would say: “The multitude in the church was a little empty, too.” Casimir: I thought the Requiem Mass very moving.
END: Eamon: Jerry.
Alice: Who?
Eamon: Jerry McLaughlin.
Alice: Who’s Jerry Mc--? Not--?
(Eamon nods)
For God’s sake! But the man could be her father, Judith!
Judith: Easy.

Brian Friel. Aristocrats. The Gallery Press, 1990. p.83.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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