_NORA goes over to the ladder._ CATHL...

Riders to the Sea

Cathleen Nora

See more scenes from John Millington Synge


NORA goes over to the ladder.

CATHLEEN: Wait, Nora, maybe she'd turn back quickly. She's that sorry, God help her, you wouldn't know the thing she'd do.

NORA: Is she gone round by the bush?

CATHLEEN: (looking out) She's gone now. Throw it down quickly, for the Lord knows when she'll be out of it again.

NORA: (getting the bundle from the loft) The young priest said he'd be passing tomorrow, and we might go down and speak to him below if it's Michael's they are surely.

CATHLEEN: (taking the bundle) Did he say what way they were found?

NORA: (coming down) "There were two men," says he, "and they rowing round with poteen before the cocks crowed, and the oar of one of them caught the body, and they passing the black cliffs of the north."

CATHLEEN: (trying to open the


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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