OLIVIA: Well, George? GEORGE: What are...

Mr. Pim Passes By

George Marden Olivia Telworthy

See more scenes from A.A. Milne


OLIVIA: Well, George?

GEORGE: What are you doing?

OLIVIA: Making curtains. Won't they be rather sweet? Oh, but I forgot–you don't like them.

GEORGE: No. I don't like them, and what is more, I don't mean to have them in my house. As I told you yesterday, this is the house of a simple country gentleman, and I don't want any of these new-fangled ideas in it.

OLIVIA: Is marrying for love a new-fangled idea?

GEORGE: We'll come to that directly. None of you women can keep to the point. What I am saying now is that the house of my fathers and forefathers is good enough for me.

OLIVIA: Do you know, George, I can hear one of your ancestors saying that to his wife in their smelly old cave when the new-fangled idea of building houses was first suggested. "The Cave of my Forefathers is good

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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