The door slowly opens. ELIZABETH, 17, le...

Good Enough

Jessica Elizabeth

See more scenes from Kitt Lavoie


The door slowly opens. ELIZABETH, 17, leans her head in.

Elizabeth Sorry.

Jessica Don’t be sorry. Come on in.

Elizabeth enters the room.

Elizabeth Sorry. I just need… I forgot something.

Elizabeth goes to the far side of the bed. She picks up a stuffed sheep from the floor.

Elizabeth Sorry. He helps me sleep better.

Jessica No problem.

Elizabeth heads for the door. Jessica returns to her book. Elizabeth stops at the door and turns around.

Elizabeth What are you reading?

Jessica The Bacchae.

Elizabeth What’s it about?

Jessica It’s for a class.

Elizabeth Is it good?

Jessica Pretty good.

Elizabeth What class?

Jessica Sex, Religion, and Prehistory.

A beat.

Elizabeth Oh.

Elizabeth stands awkwardly in the doorway for a moment. She turns to go.

Jessica You don’t have to leave.

Elizabeth It’s


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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