Matt: Please stay here with me. Andy:...

Christmas For New Year's

Matt Andy

See more scenes from Jennifer Reichert


Matt: Please stay here with me.

Andy: You're on shift?

Matt: Yeah. I stole an ambulance.

Andy: Matt!

Matt: I'm kidding. But I'm not supposed to be here.

Andy: You need to get back to the hospital.

Matt: I will.

[Conductor: All Aboard!]

Matt: That’s your train.

Matt's beeper goes off. He silences it and shoves the beeper in his pocket. She looks at him. The sound of the train doors closing, and the hiss of the train releasing its brake. Matt looks at her, just standing there.

Matt: (cont’d) You stayed.

Andy drops her suitcase and pulls him into her arms, holding him tightly. He picks her up and spins her around.

Andy: How could I go?

He sets her down and picks up her suitcase. They walk down the platform side by side.

Andy: (cont’d) Do you think they’d mind if I wore a slinky black


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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