Mel: How many is that? Derek surveys...


Mel Derek

See more scenes from Kitt Lavoie


Mel: How many is that?

Derek surveys the piles.

Derek: That’s... seven for Dave, seven for Brandi, and that’ll be seven for Jarrod.

Mel sits hard on the edge of the bed.

Mel: It felt like more.

Derek: It all feels like more this year.

Mel sits on the edge of the bed. She looks where she is sitting and shakes her head.

Mel: We couldn’t sit on the edge of the bed last year. We could barely walk around in here last year.

Derek looks up and reaches for the Matchbox cars.

Derek: Here.

Mel hands the Matchboxes to Derek. He rips open the package. He hands the three cars back to Mel.

Derek: Wrap up one for each of them. Give the convertible to Brandi.

Mel: But now Dave and Brandi have eight and Jarrod only has seven.

Derek: He’s a big boy. He’ll get it.

Mel: I don’t know.

Derek: They know I


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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