TONY I'm gonna kill myself. I can't eve...

No Balance to Budget

Tony Mary

See more scenes from Tom Attea


TONY I'm gonna kill myself. I can't even afford a mattress for us.

MARY I think it's time we sat down and made up a budget. Then maybe we can start to do better -- and make the furniture payments again.

TONY That's it. We'll make up a budget. You're a genius, Mary.

(takes pen from pocket; takes up sheet of paper)

At least, I still have my Bic pen. Now, let's see.

(looks for a place to sit; indicates floor)

Do you mind? I promise we'll have that furniture back in no time.

MARY I don't mind at all, Tony.

(THEY sit on the floor)

TONY Now, we'll find out what the problem is. Let's see, I make fourtwenty-five an hour. Some day I'll make more. I promise you.

MARY You will, sweetheart -- when the minimum wage goes up.

TONY That's not very nice, Mary.

MARY I'm sorry, Tony. I know


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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