ADÈLE: Oh, God in heaven, this is the en...

Facing Death

Monsieur Durand Adèle

See more scenes from August Strindberg


ADÈLE: Oh, God in heaven, this is the end for us! But what's this? [Opens a package.]

DURAND: Some candles that I bought for the mass for my dear little Rèné. Today is the anniversary of his death.

ADÈLE: You can afford to buy such things!

DURAND: With my tips, yes. Don't you think it is humiliating to stretch out my hand whenever a traveller leaves us? Can't you grant me the only contentment I possess--let me enjoy my sorrow one time each year? To be able to live in memory of the most beautiful thing life ever gave me?

ADÈLE: If he had only lived until now, you'd see how beautiful he'd be!

DURAND: It's very possible that there's truth in your irony--as I remember him, however, he was not as you all are now.

ADÈLE: Will you be good enough to receive Monsieur Antonio yourself? He is coming


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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