Eunice: I tell you what. I’ll check on h...

The Crimson Cap Ladies Catch a Con

Esther Grace Leona Millie Eunice/Eugene

See more scenes from Chris McKerracher


Eunice: I tell you what. I’ll check on him and see if he’s okay. (She gets up to go to Don but the rest intercept her.)

Esther: I don’t think so. Girls, keep an eye on Eunice. I’m going to wake up Don and we’ll get to the bottom of this right now.

(Suddenly there’s another scuffle with Eunice fighting off the women when his wig comes off. The girls are momentarily stunned which allows Eunice to leap on Don and pat him down until she finds a gun.)

Eugene: I figured I’d find this on him.

Millie: Oh my gosh! Was Don the escaped convict?

Eugene: No you stupid broad. I am.

All: Oh my gosh! He’s got a gun!

Esther: A gun? Okay! Okay! You can join the group! You can even second all the motions you wish!

Eugene: I don’t want to join your crazy womens club. I was going nuts just listening to


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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