Based on Hans Christian Andersen's beloved story, "The Ugly Duckling," Honk! tells the story of an odd-looking baby duck, Ugly, and his quest to find his mother. Soon after Ugly is born, he is seduced away by a wily Cat who wants to eat Ugly for dinner. Eventually, Ugly manages to escape, but has no idea how to return home. He embarks on an adventure in which he encounters a beautiful swan, Penny, tangled in a fishing line. After saving her, the two birds fall in love. Penny, however, must return to her flock and fly south for the winter. Determined to find his family, Ugly journeys on, only to become frozen in the snow. Eventually, Ugly's mother finds him and her warm tears manage to thaw him out. He revives, and is surprised to discover he is now a handsome swan! Soon, Ugly is reunited with Penny and two swans decide to live the rest of their days in the same pond as Ugly's loyal mother.
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