Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing is a tragi-comedy that centers around a group of men on the Wasaychigan Hill Indian Reserve. When the women of the reservation decide to create a female hockey league, all the men of the reservation band together to protest. Seeing the formation of this all-women’s league as another attack of their identity, Dry Lips asks what it means to identify as an Indigenous man. Exploring themes of misogyny, spirituality, and identity, Tomson Highway’s play quickly turns from a farce to a tragedy as the fantasies and phobias of the men are acted out.
This show is a companion piece to Highway’s play, The Rez Sisters (1986). Although primarily written in English, there are interjections of Cree and Ojibway, two Indigenous languages of the Manitoulin Island reservations, where the story takes place.
Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing guide sections