This show consists of two stand-alone acts, the first a musical revue performed by an unnamed ensemble of ushers, the second a short comedy with traditional plot and characters. The authors suggest that for performance purposes, the ushers should be called by the real names of the ensemble members. However, in the 1984 Samuel French edition of the script, the first act ushers are called, for convenience, by the names of the characters they play in the second act (one usher is “Carlo”, another usher “Mrs. Pavlenko”, and so forth) and this guide, which follows that script, will do so as well.
Act One
In the lobby of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, a crew of proud and lively ushers welcome the audience in preparation for an exhilarating, glamorous, adventurous escape from everyday life that is Hollywood (“Just Go to the Movies”). They dance, sing, and name check great stars from the 1930s such as Errol Flynn, Bette Davis, Clark Gable, and Judy Garland.
After this grandiose
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