The show opens on Tom, a young man who starts his career as a teacher in the morning. His alarm clock rings, and as he gets ready for the day, his thoughts ring out -- voiced by characters that represent different facets of Tom’s personality: George- the romantic one, Dori- the playful one, Schulie- the innocent ingenue, Joe- the “cool” one, and Dina- the levelheaded mature one. Each of Tom’s thoughts varies, some are excited, but most are apprehensive about the upcoming day. In need of mindless calm, Tom sits down in his living room to watch some TV. His childhood favorite, Schoolhouse Rock! is on. Out of the blue, Tom’s ensemble of thoughts materialize by his side while he enjoys the song playing (“Verb: That’s What’s Happening”). Tom is startled at first, and thinks he is going crazy, but, together, the thoughts try to convince Tom that they really do represent every person, place or thing Tom has ever seen (“A Noun Is a Person, Place, or Thing”). Tom is still a little skeptical,
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