La voix humaine


Writers: Francis Poulenc Jean Cocteau


_This one-act, forty-minute-long, opera is through composed and does not have strict scene delineations. Guidelines are given here for different divisions which mark shifts in the experience of the protagonist. There is only one character, who sings in every scene. _

"Allô, allô, mais non, madame"

"Allô, c'est toi? oui, très bien"

"Souviens-toi du dimanche de Versailles"

"Allô! et comme ça?"

"Allô, c'est toi? Mais non, mademoiselle"

"Allô! ah! chéri, c'est toi?”

“Oh! Rien de grave, mon chéri”

"C'est inutile, du reste le docteur de Marthe reviendra demain"

"Voilà deux jours qu'il ne quitte pas l'antichambre"

"Rien, je crois que nous parlons comme d'habitude"

"On avait coupé"

"Alors, voilà, j'allais dire machinalement"

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

La voix humaine guide sections