La gazza ladra


Writers: Gioachino Rossini Giovanni Gherardini



Act 1

Introduction ‘O che giorno fortunato’ - Chorus, Pippo, La gazza, Lucia, Fabrizio

Recitative ‘O cospetto!’ - Fabrizio, Lucia, Pippo

Cavatina ‘Di piacer mi balza il cor’ - Ninetta

Recitative ‘Oh come il mio Giannetto’ - Fabrizio, Ninetta, Lucia

Cavatina ‘Stringhe e ferri da calzette’ - Isacco, Pippo, Ninetta

Recitative and Chorus ‘Viva, Viva!’ - Pippo, Ninetta, Chorus

Cavatina ‘Vieni fra queste braccia’ - Giannetto, Chorus

Brindisi ‘Tocchiamo, beviamo’ - Pippo, Chorus

Recitative ‘O madre, ancor non mi diceste’ - Giannetto, Lucia, Fabrizio, Pippo, Ninetta

Scene and Duet ‘Come frenare il pianto!’ - Ninetta, Fernando

Cavatina ‘Il mio piano è preparato’ - Podestà

Recitative ‘Un altro, un altro’ - Ninetta, Podestà, Fernando

Scene and Trio ‘Oh Nume benefico’ - Giorgio, Ninetta, Podesta, Fernando

Recitative ‘O pancia mia’ and Finale I ‘In casa di messere’ - Pippo, Isacco, Ninetta, La gazza, Lucia, Podestà, Giannetto, Fabrizio, Cancelliere, Chorus

Act 2

Recitative and Duet ‘Forse un di conoscerete’ - Antonio, Ninetta. Giannetto

Recitative and Aria ‘Si per voi, pupille amate’ - Antonio, Podesta, Ninetta, Chorus (off-stage)

Recitative and Duet ‘Ebben, per mia memoria’ - Antonio, Ninetta, Pippo

Recitative, Scene, and Aria ‘Accusata di furto … oh rossore! - Lucia, Fernando*

Scene, Chorus of Justice, Quintett ‘Già dipiuto nel suo volto’ - Il Pretore, Giannetto, Fabrizio, Un Giudice, Podestà, Fernando, Ninetta, Chorus

Recitative and Aria ‘A questo seno’ - Lucia

Recitative ‘Che razza di villaggio’ - Ernesto, Pippo, Giorgio, Antonio, La gazza

Chorus and Prayer ‘Deh tu reggi in tal momento’ - Chorus, Ninetta

Finale II ‘Giorgio, Giorgio?’ - Antonio, Pippo, Giorgio, Lucia, Fabrizio, Giannetto, Podestà, Fernando, Chorus

*The alternative aria for Fernando, ‘Oh colpo impensato' which features Lucia and the female chorus, is often substituted here and is available in appendix of the Ricordi Critical Edition vocal score.

In the Pesaro 1818 production, the cavatina ‘Dunque invano i perigli, la morte’ was given to Fernando, before the duet with Ninetta in Act 1. This is also available in the Ricordi Critical Edition.

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

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