An undergrad journalism student gets more than she bargained for when she answers a personal ad. In a strange underground research lab, the play finds Jo quite literally pouncing on the opportunity for a random hookup with geeky graduate marine biology student Jules. But it turns out his motives are more existential. The excitable Jules confesses that he is gay and wrote the ad because he believes a massive comet is about to destroy humanity, and he wants to help repopulate. As the stakes increase, the two mismatched students’ conflicting perspectives become more apparent: Jules is an optimist and thrilled for the chance to serve humanity. Jo is a cynic who believes humanity deserves it. Meanwhile, natural history lecturer Barbara looms ever-present, partly as audience guide and narrator and partly as a puppet master manipulating the story. boom is a quirky, apocalyptic comedy that offers a stimulating look at the nature of survival, life, and reproduction.
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