Ray Mynarcik

Joined 6/15/2020

Ray Mynarcik

Performer, Artistic Staff, Teacher, Actor, Dancer, Singer, Director, Hair/Makeup, Sound Designer, Marketing/Business, Musical Director, Music Teacher, Vocal Coach

Mezzo-Soprano Young Adult

  Killeen, TX


ABOUT Raychel

Hello! Welcome to my StageAgent page. New to the theatre scene, but not to the music industry. I have music on iTunes, AmazonMusic, and other major streaming platforms. The theatre has captured my heart, and it is such a thrill to perform as a different character on stage and have the opportunity to share their story. Belter, Strong Leading-Lady Type

Raychel's Credits


Miss. Andrew
Central Texas Theatre
Customer #1
Central Texas Theatre
Katherine Plummer
Central Texas Theatre
Music Director
Central Texas Theatre
Central Texas Theatre
Assistant Director, Sound Engineer
Central Texas Theatre

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